Less is More
Colorado's beautiful weather, gorgeous scenery, and challenging courses all push people to get out and enjoy a great round of golf. It is...
More BIG news!
As many of you know, ProActive has been going through a lot of changes as we enter a new chapter. This includes a new logo, new location,...
Change is in the air!
2017 is an exciting year for ProActive. We have been going through some fun changes thus far, including a new LOGO, new staff, new...
What's in a logo?
Here at ProActive we are going through some exciting changes. Recently we decided on a new logo to represent us. We will begin...
Working with Mamas!
A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of working with local Fort Collins group Mamas & Company. They are a group of mamas and aspiring...
ProLog: Stress is Stress
Below is a great (quick) article about recovery and stress. It emphasizes something I have been following very closely the past 2+ years:...
ProLog: Dynamic Warm Up for Injury Prevention and Performance
It has been a while since our last ProLog because, well, we have been busy! Busy with some really fun stuff. ProActive is going through...
ProLog: Never too old to perform!
The first week of Olympics has been a joy to watch. Incredible athletes performing at the highest level from around the world. This past...
ProLog: Key to being an Olympian? Be #ProActive!
Meb Keflezighi is one of the greatest American distance runners of all time. He has been competing at the highest level since high...
ProLog: Being unfit almost as bad as smoking?
As we mentioned in our last ProLog, regular exercise makes can make you more resilient to mental fatigue. The benefits of regular...